Have a dentist-related question? We have the answer! Check out our FAQs below to learn more about our company and services.

When should I bring my child in for their first visit?

The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and American Dental Association all recommend that children have their first dental visit when the first tooth comes in, which is usually between six and 12 months of age.

We like to see children by age one or when they get their first tooth. Establishing a dental home by age one prevents decay because of early education and preventative care. In addition, you can anticipate what to expect in your child’s dental development. In the same way you establish a medical home with your child’s physician for their visits, you should also have a dental home established to prevent decay and handle any dental emergencies. Give us a call today at Lincoln Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE.

When will my child get their first tooth?

A child’s first tooth comes in usually between six and 12 months of age. To schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE, reach out to our team today.

My child has permanent teeth coming in behind baby teeth that aren’t loose. What should I do?

When baby teeth are loose, allow your child to wiggle them out. This will prevent permanent teeth from erupting in the wrong place. Wiggle on baby teeth and have them bite on apples, carrots, or celery, and the tooth will eventually become loose. The lower incisors often erupt behind the baby teeth, and the tongue helps push them forward and out. If you need more advice, then call a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE.

My child fell and bumped their teeth, and the tooth is turning gray. What do I do?

Watch for signs of abscess, including pimples on the gums, facial swelling, fever, and more. They don’t need to come in just because the tooth is gray. Make sure to look for these signs and reach out to a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE.

My child’s baby tooth has cavities. Should they be filled? Do baby teeth really matter?

Baby teeth are very important for talking, eating, and holding space for permanent teeth. Untreated cavities can lead to pain, difficulty eating and sleeping, overuse of pain medications, and lost school time that could also lead to systemic infection. We recommend treating cavities in baby teeth to avoid those consequences. Call our office to speak with a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE today.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends X-rays to diagnose and monitor oral diseases, evaluate dentoalveolar trauma, and monitor dentofacial development. We prescribe radiographs or X-rays on an individual’s needs. Radiation exposure is low from dental radiographs. Radiation exposure from being outside on a given day is more than the radiation from a single bitewing X-ray. Our pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE can answer any other questions you may have.

Can you help with my child’s dental anxiety?

Our pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE is designed for kids, and our team members choose to work in our practice because they enjoy working with kids. We often describe the atmosphere in our office as similar to a kindergarten setting, and we are like kindergarten teachers who educate and happen to work on teeth.

We often use a method called “Tell-Show-Do.” This method allows the child to see exactly what will be done during an appointment before it happens. Coaching, using distraction techniques, modeling with another patient, and praising the child are other management styles. You can make each dental visit enjoyable and positive by refraining from using words that cause unnecessary fear, such as needle/shot, pull, drill, or hurt. These can be replaced by more friendly terms, such as California Cooler, wiggle, Mr. Bumpy, and sleepy. If you want to talk to your child about their dental visit, then please let us help you with the terms you use to be consistent with what is said.

Does your office see special needs patients?

Our pediatric dentists have specialized education that helps us design specific care for your child’s needs. We schedule specific dates and times in our office to ensure our team will have adequate time with your child to establish a relationship. Children with special healthcare needs are often more susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal/gum disease, so regularly scheduled visits are critical in preventing problems. Give us a call today to speak with a pediatric dentist in Lincoln, NE.